Talk Shop: Shira Berg


Shira Berg is a New York City-based artist. Through exploring different mediums, she re-discovered her passion for ceramics after a bout of soul-searching in her mid-twenties. To Shira, ceramics is the perfect combination of stimulation, creativity, and non-technological sanity. Each piece is handspun, sculpted, and glazed by the artist. The form, design, and aesthetic that defines all of her works are inspired by her real world, emotions, and experiences. We here at AOI are huge fans of her work and were so thrilled to sit down with her. talented artist. Enjoy!

Describe your style in three words or less:

Timeless, warm, and modern.

What have been the three biggest influences on your aesthetic in your life:

Travel, Instagram, friends and family.

How did you start your company, and/or what is your favorite thing about what you do: 

I never intended to sell art or start a ceramics brand, it all started as a hobby. I was looking for an escape, where I could form a combination of stimulation, creativity, and non-technological sanity that we all so desperately need. My mission is, and always has been, to leverage ceramics as a way to express myself and escape from the stress/hustle and bustle of everyday life. 

My favorite part of my ceramics is that it’s just a side hustle. I’m a full-time publicist and while ceramics is my escape, I take the storytelling aspect of my day job into my art by telling stories about myself, the world around me, and the place where it will eventually live. I love that each piece has a little bit about me and my world in it as I ship it out into the world.  

Do you have a mentor in your career, and if so, how have they helped to shape your trajectory:

My mom. She taught me an unparalleled work ethic. Though very different career paths, she encouraged me to lean into my creative, nonlinear brain and push boundaries.

What does your home say about you:

That I have a little OCD and I love to be cozy

Where do you find inspiration:

I’m a big “pinner” and I love scouring 1st Dibs and Etsy.  

Who are your style icons:

Mary Kate + Ashley, Jamie Mizrahi, Posh Spice, Mister Rogers and anyone else who wears cardigans

What are your key ingredients for entertaining: 

Cheese board, candles, wine

Do you collect anything:

Plates! I’m fortunate that my parents gave me a travel bug and when I moved into my apartment seven years ago I wanted to incorporate something from the places I travel to. My favorite is this plate from India - we went to a porcelain factory (some multi-generational business) and watched them make plates, bowls, vases and intricately paint them.  

Favorite Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration:

@archdigest, @thegreycollective, @alexanderdesignbuild, @nataliemyers, @tortus, @enyleeparker

What design “rule” do you always follow, and which is made to be broken:

You can have more than one statement piece, but always dress your windows

What are you working on right now:

Getting my ceramics in more hands!

Wardrobe staples:

When I’m at my studio: old denim and a ratty button-down, both from college.

In my everyday life: AGOLDE Jeans, crisp white button down, Jenni Kayne fisherman sweater or cardigan (mostly always in black) 

Best career advice you ever received:

Work hard, play hard

Types of home purchases you invest in, and save on:

Splurge: I don’t think there is any better feeling than being clean and cozy so I’d have to say definitely splurge on making your bathroom an oasis and the most comfortable couch. We just recently got the Jones modular from Maiden Home and I have become a “couch creature.”

Save: Light fixtures - you can find beautiful ones for not a lot, you don’t need to splurge on the most expensive to achieve your aesthetic.

Your greatest extravagance:

Hotels and always a blowout 

Favorite places to shop for home: 

1st Dibs, Atacama, Clic, Etsy, Laboratorio Paravicini

Most prized possession and why:

Juliana Vasconcellos giraffe chairs - I found them on first dibs a year before I bought them. Pricey, but I kept going back to them. Every time I see them in my apartment I smile. 

Your interiors motto: 

One-dimensional is boring - you need three-dimensional pieces that literally pop off the wall to give your space character

Your life motto:

If you don’t laugh about it you’ll cry.

Advice for someone looking to define their own style: 

More things go together than you think. It’s ok to color outside the lines sometimes. 

Take Ten: My Favorite…


Pasta is my love language


Extra dirty vodka martini 




Any Aman hotel


New York City forever 


Parachute parcel. All white linens forever! 

Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it): 

Hot black tea with one spoon of apple cider vinegar 


POP2K on Sirius XM or HOT COUNTRY on Spotify

Weekend Activity: 


Design Book: 

Clay: Contemporary Ceramic Artisans


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