Talk Shop: Dana Lewis // proper table


Bolstered by the enthusiasm and encouragement of her stylish friends and family who love to dine at pretty tables and to drip and dribble, Dana Lewis launched Proper Table’s first collection of linen-printed acrylic placemats and coasters in Spring 2022. Although she aspires to be a rumpled pillow and tossed throw kind of girl, Dana prefers perfect plumps, tidy tri-folds, and anything that makes living beautifully more effortless. Proper Table’s chic, wipeable placemats do just that. Guided by their “party more, worry less” mission, Proper Table has curated a collection of their favorite fabrics, fun and fresh classics that speak to a feeling more than to a particular genre, and print them onto acrylic at the very highest resolution, so they can be rinsed clean. 

Dana lives and designs in Boston, with her chic and messy family. All Proper Table placemats, coasters, and napkins are proudly made in the USA. We so enjoyed sitting down with Dana, and hope you do too!

Describe your style in three words or less:

Classic, curated, fresh.

What have been the three biggest influences on your aesthetic in your life: 

My maternal grandmother, Josephine, whose classic “Jackie-O” style and love for setting a “proper table” is a constant source of inspiration. 

Travel–whether into the backyard to sit in the kids’ tree fort or across the globe, every destination has something to give and the process of combining them in our home or at our table is a source of great joy to me. 

Lastly and most importantly, my family, nothing is more precious than they are, so over the years, my design has evolved to be as much about creating comfortable, livable spaces to gather as it is about being stylish. Those things are not mutually exclusive!

How did you start your company, and what is your favorite thing about what you do:

I had the idea for Proper Table mid-pandemic when one of our family’s favorite pastimes became planning festive meals for one another. In the midst of such a stressful time, we loved the escape of creating special experiences at home (this was likely after we had binge-watched most of Netfilx and were briefly tired of TV). What we did not like was worrying about if the bolognese would stain my grandmother’s heirloom linens, or the piles of extra laundry our nightly table linens were generating. We wanted to create the same special, happy tables that were bringing us so much joy, but without the worry or extra laundry. While wipeable placemats existed, I couldn't find anything that celebrated the timeless style and fabrics I loved to use as the foundation for our tables. So I went to work curating a collection of textiles that were classic and fun and figuring out how to make them easy to clean! 

My favorite part of any endeavor is always the people I meet and with whom I have the honor of collaborating–customers, designers, shop owners, and vendors. After the people, it’s easily curating collections, scheming tables, and the exhilaration of constantly learning!

Do you have a mentor in your career, and if so, how have they helped to shape your trajectory:

I am lucky to come from a long line of brave, strong women and to have grown up with a father who had the most ridiculously unwavering faith that I could accomplish anything I set my mind to . . . I had no choice but to believe it. I am also surrounded by many friends who are entrepreneurs and set inspiring examples. One of the most wonderful surprises on my Proper Table journey has been the kindness and extraordinary generosity of others who have experience and advice to share. 

What does your home say about you:

I hope it says, come in, be comfortable, stay a while, and please come back.

Where do you find inspiration:

I am inspired by the way a place makes me feel. Whether it's a quiet walk through the hushed trails of Muir Woods or a swishy night out in Paris, the experience of being in a special place is magical and inspiring. I love creating that feeling at home for the people I love.

Who are your style icons:

Lee Radziwll and Audrey Hepburn.

What are your key ingredients for entertaining:

It’s all about the crowd. Surround yourself with people who fill your cup and the rest is gravy. I love Ina Garten’s advice that the music should be a bit too loud. I also like a room that is slightly too small for your crowd–it helps the energy! A thoughtfully set table–layered with old and new, high and low, practical and precious is a must.

Do you collect anything:

Yes, I have three collections. I love picking up magnifying glasses and vintage barware when I travel, they are easy to transport and useful too! My family loves reminiscing about the places we have been when using one of our collected treasures at home. My favorite vintage barware is a set of silver muddling spoons with bright red wooden beads at the tips of the handles. They were my great-grandmother’s and make any drink feel like a party! Though harder to transport from far-flung places, I also love antique finials and newell posts–they add an interesting architectural element to any room.

Favorite Instagram accounts to follow for inspiration:

House and Garden UK and Frederic are favorites, Sara Blakely for girl boss inspo, and I have always loved Katie Couric for news. 

What entertaining “rule” do you always follow, and which is made to be broken:

Relax and have fun. A hostess sets the energy for the evening! I’m unsure if dancing on tabletops or kitchen counters breaks entertaining rules, but we love a late-night dance party!

What are you working on right now:

It’s an exciting time for Proper Table as we are about 6 months since launch and are working on some *dream* collaborations. Stay tuned! 

Wardrobe staples:

Isabel Marant sneakers, white blouses, jeans, and layered necklaces and bracelets. Easy and effortless.

Tabletop staples:

Of course, placemats–aesthetically and functionally they elevate any meal! Aside from placemats, I love linen napkins, bowls of colorful seasonal produce, and any fresh clippings from the garden. Individual votives at each place setting feel romantic and provide the most flattering light too.

Favorite fabric/wallpaper:

I love classic ticking. It always looks crisp and fresh. Running ticking horizontally (like on our Eliot placemat) can be fun and unexpected! I used Bennison Petites Fleurs in my office and it brings me joy no matter how much time I spend at my desk! 

Best interior advice you ever received:

Take your time. Only live with things you love. Edit!

Best career advice you ever received:

Just start. You can perfect later.

Types of home purchases you invest in, and save on:

Furniture with classic lines–you can recover when you are ready for a change. Beautifully crafted and finished wood tables that patina with age. Whether it’s a room or a dining table, I love a high/low mix! Of course, the tabletop is the most fun place to mix–our acrylic placemats on an heirloom farm table with crisp white plates and vintage linen napkins. I’m giddy just imagining the possibilities!

Your greatest extravagance:

I’m embarrassed to say paper towels, but I love them.  I am an absolute clean freak and there is a great joy for me in cleaning and sanitizing with my super-absorbent besties. I try to make amends for the environmental impact of my cleaning habit by using linen napkins for dining. 

Favorite places to shop for home/tabletop:

I love the thrill of a hunt–whether Brimfield, Les Puces, an out-of-the-way shop while traveling, or my mother’s attic. I love to mix high and low, old and new, precious and not!. I look for pieces with classic lines that can be layered. For textiles, I love texture and color–and versatility.

Most prized possession and why:

A set of vintage medicine jars from my grandfather’s pharmacy. My paternal grandfather came to the US from Italy when he was 13 years old, and put himself, his 6 brothers, and his son through college and either medical school or law school. My father recently gifted the jars to me and they sit on one of the marble shelves that flank my range, so I am inspired daily by his legacy of grit and hard work. 

Your interiors motto: 

Make room for what you love–edit out what you don’t. 

Your life motto:

I have always found inspiration in Theodore Roosevelt’s ‘Citizen in a Republic Speech.’ ” . . . The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly, who errs, who comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasm, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly . . . “

I am not innately a growth mindset person, but through study and practice, I have learned to live this way. I think learning to fail, learn, and move forward is the most important life lesson there is.

Advice for someone looking to define their own interior style:

Practically speaking, Pinterest boards or Instagram “saves” can be helpful in gathering images that inspire you. Editing your pins and recognizing themes is a great start for establishing your personal style.

Take Ten: My Favorite…

Food: This switches seasonally. I am just wrapping up a tomato sandwich phase. Sliced Bartlett Farm tomatoes on Something Natural Portuguese toast with a generous slather of mayo, kosher salt and pepper. I can’t get enough.

Drink: Vodka martini with a twist

Film: Rear Window–my grandmother grew up with Jimmy Stewart so we were raised on his movies! Also, any Nancy Meyers movie–such a joy to watch them all again with my daughters. I can’t forget Almost Famous (as the mother of a teenage son, I’m obsessed with Frances McDormand’s amazing portrayal of a boy mom)

Hotel:  The Caruso in Ravello, Italy

City: New York

Bedding: We love our Matouk–a local Massachusetts company!

Tea or Coffee (and how do you take it): I make my own half almond/half oat milk latte every morning. I’m obsessed with my La Marzocca Linea Mini!

Playlist: We usually go with some sort of Feel Good Indie playlist but after dinner, it’s fun to pass Spotify control around the table for a “greatest hits” sort of vibe! Laid (by James) is a good party starter.

Weekend Activity: Setting tables–whether for “work” or entertaining at home, laying tables is my happy place. I delight in gathering pieces from around the house and garden, and setting the scheme over the course of a few days. What I don’t like is cleaning up–so cheers to Proper Table, and easier clean up! 

Design Book: Gil Schafer’s A Place to Call Home is my most dog-eared!


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